MERCOSUR and Brazil

Mercosur and Brazil

Mercosur presents a wide scope ranging from political to economic goals. However, by examining the fundamental basis of it, it is possible to conclude that the primary goal is to promote economic integration through commerce and non-strict border control. Therefore, based on its current situation, it is usually characterized as a customs union group.


The current State-members of the group are:

  • Brazil
  • Argentina
  • Uruguay
  • Paraguay (currently suspended)
  • Venezuela (joined the group in 2012)

Geopolitics in South America

Brazil is the largest and most economically powerful country part of the Mercosur and South America as a whole.

Tariffs (TEC)

Tariffs (TEC) TEC (Tarifa Externa Comum) was first established in 1995. Its adoption caused a higher degree of difficulty for countries within Mercosur to import from countries that are not part of this group. This tariff may vary between 0% and 20% depending on the goods. Even though Mercosur resembles a free trade zone internally, it is a protectionist group from the external standpoint, reflecting the reliance of the respective governments of the State-members on economic intervention.

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