Reasons to Invest in Brazil

Reasons to Invest in Brazil

Economically, because of the country:

  • occupies an area of over 8.5 million km2;
  • has a population of 190 million and an economically active population of 90 million people;
  • presents a birth rate of 2.5 million people per year;
  • is a gateway to Mercosur;
  • borders ten countries, including Argentina, Colombia, Guianas, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela;
  • is one of the world’s seven largest economies;
  • has the largest and most diversified industrial park in Latin America;
  • is the world’s largest producer of coffee, oranges, and sugar-cane;
  • is home to the largest forest-based industry in Latin America;
  • has one of the largest reserves of iron ore, bauxite, manganese, tin, and gold;
  • is among the world’s top generators of electric energy;
  • offers an excellent railway and waterway system, alongside a vast coastline, with several harbors;
  • is among the world’s top producers of foodstuffs;
  • has one of the most modern telecommunications systems;
  • has one of the most modern and cutting-edge bank systems in the world;
  • is a large producer and buyer of consumer goods;
  • has a modern and competitive textile industry
  • has 22% of the world’s arable land;
  • offers excellent tourism infrastructure;
  • is visited by more than 5 million foreign tourists every year;
  • is the fourth-largest producer of commercial aircraft in the world;
  • is the sixth largest market for cosmetics, with US$ 9 billion in sales per year;
  • has the seventh-largest chemical industry;
  • is the eighth-largest producer of steel in the world (27 million tons per year);
  • is the tenth largest producer of automobiles (1.8 million vehicles per year);
  • has the tenth-largest paper and cellulose industry.

Culturally, because the country:

  • is peaceful and multiracial;
  • respects immigrants and their creeds.

Politically, because the country:

  • sustains a democratic regime;
  • sustains stable public institutions, as the Chamber of Deputies, the Federal Senate and the courts of law;
  • is free of conflicts defends international law and promotes peace and progress among nations.

Few economies have grown as much as the Brazilian economy

The consolidation of the currency stability and the deepening of a series of structural changes – such as the economy opening, state reform, monopoly suppression and a wide set of deregulations, etc., – have allowed the Brazilian economy to ensure its dynamics and its growth path on a supportable basis.

And the international community has taken a chance precisely on this process enhancement. There are increasing direct external investments in the Brazilian economy as well as the input of capital via long-term loans.

Actually, transnational companies have been investing in Brazil since long ago. There are hundreds of companies legally established in the Country for many decades. Just to name a few, among a huge number of them: Alcatel, Asea-Brown Boveri, Basf, BAT, Bayer, Ciba-Geigy, Chase Manhatan Bank, Citicorp, Credit Lyonnais, Du Pont, Dow Chemical, Ericsson, Exxon, Fiat, Ford, Fuji, General Electric, General Motors, Glaxo, Goodyear, Hoescht, IBM, Ishikawajima-Harima, Kodak, Lloyds Bank, Marubeni, NEC, Nestl? Parmalat, Philips, Rh?e Poulenc, Robert Bosch, Shell, Sony, Toyota, Volkswagen, Volvo, White Martins and Xerox.

Investing in Brazil May Secure a Permanent Residency

Investing in real estate in Brazil is one of the easiest and fastest ways to secure a permanent residency in Brazil. The so-called Brazil Golden Visa was created through Resolution number 36. Thousands of foreign nationals have obtained the coveted permanent residency in Brazil by purchasing real estate in Brazil. At the time of this writing, properties must be worth at least R$ 1,000,000 (one million reais). Properties in the Northeast and North of the country, on the other hand, can be worth just R$ 700,000 (seven hundred thousand reais).

Brazil relies on major comparative advantages

  • A huge territorial extent, with plenty of natural resources, some entirely unexploited to date.
  • An enormous population with a dynamic and fast-growing internal consumer marketplace, such a trend being boosted by the income proceeds resulting from the sharp drop in the inflation rate.
  • Economic integration within Mercosul — the free-trade zone initially made up of Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay — with the corresponding expansion of marketplaces and business opportunities.
  • A deep-rooted, dynamic, and profitable capitalist economy with the availability of skilled human resources, including on a management level.
  • A relevant presence of foreign capital, particularly in the industrial structure where it accounts for 30% of the production.
  • A well-developed industrial center with a diversified export agenda which comprises from mineral ores and orange juice to highly value-added manufactured products such as cars, airplanes, ships, and capital goods.
  • Diversified export marketplaces.
  • A modern and integrated agriculture presenting one of the world’s largest crops of around 80 million tons.
  • Stability of the democratic political institutions.