Brazilian Law Firm

Your Law Firm in Brazil

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Brazilian law firm specializing in foreign clients

Are you looking for a reliable law firm in Brazil? Want to speak with attorneys who can actually speak fluent English? We can help.

We assist foreign clients with legal needs in Brazil. We communicate through Zoom, Skype, and Whatsapp, making you feel like you are in Brazil.

Oliveira Lawyers has helped many foreign clients complete transactions and cross-border business in Brazil. We also assist with acquisitions, mergers, real estate, litigation, and legal opinions. Unlike law firms that try to handle cases in the entire Latin America, our attorneys specialize exclusively in Brazilian law.

Our Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo teams are supported by our lawyers across Brazil and the US.

Seven Reasons to Choose Us

Seven reasons why clients around the globe rely on our legal services:

  1. Specializing in foreign clients
  2. Attorneys fluent in English
  3. One-stop-shop
  4. Offices in São Paulo and across Brazil
  5. Services in all Brazilian cities
  6. Expertise in business, investment, and real estate
  7. Network of professionals in all Brazilian states

Need a Law Firm in Brazil?
We Can Help

[email protected]
(214) 432-8100

#1  Contact us to get a free quote, or
#2 Schedule a Consultation now.

Our Main Practice Areas

We specialize in the following practice areas:

  1. Business Law
  2. Advisory
  3. Foreign Investment
  4. Real Estate
  5. Dispute Resolutions

Secondary practice areas include:

  • Probates
  • Litigation
  • Capital Markets
  • Intellectual Property

How Brazilian Law Firms Compare to Their Pairs in the United States

Brazilian Law Firms Compared to the USA Law Firms

Brazilian follows Civil Law while the United States follows Common law. In addition to the differences coming from these two different legal systems, firms also differ in how they are created, regulated, and advertised.

Law firms can be formed in Brazil only after authorization from the Bar authority. However, in the US, law firms are based on general business entities such as LLPs and PLLCs.

Most Brazilian attorneys are employed in small law firms with up to 5 attorneys. American law firms, on the other hand, are considerably larger on average.

Oliveira Lawyers x Multinational Law Firms

Law firms operating in multiple countries often have complex structures involving multiple partnerships, particularly in jurisdictions such as Brazil, which restrict the operation of foreign law firms in the country.

When you hire a multinational law firm to handle your needs in Brazil, you end up paying unnecessarily high legal fees. Oliveira Lawyers work with competitive rates due to its lean and agile structure.

For institutional clients in the US and Europe, we provide a complimentary consultation to address how we can help you with your needs in Brazil.

Our Main Locations

#1  Sao Paulo, Brazil
#2  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
#3  Dallas, Texas
#4  El Segundo, California

OAB in Brazil – Council of Brazilian Law Firms and Lawyers

The legal market in Brazil is regulated by the OAB – Ordem dos Advogados no Brasil (Council of Lawyers in Brazil). OAB is the top authority for legal services in the country, so OAB regulates how Brazilian law firms do business. Aside from the National Council, there is one council for each Brazilian state plus many regional councils throughout the country.

How to Check Law Firms in Brazil

Before retaining a Law Firm lawyer in Brazil, ensure you are dealing with a licensed lawyer. OAB’s database makes it easy for prospective clients to check the lawyer’s credentials:

Explore our Main Practice Areas

To learn more about our services, contact us now at [email protected].

Regulation in Brazil

Curiously, while many law firms in Brazil have been fighting for less regulation for the profession, some segments in the US are looking for the opposite, as one can see in this article from Anthony Davis published in “The American Lawyer”: A New Approach to Law Firm Regulation, which preachers for a national, tighter regulation “in order to strengthen the US firms to be better capable of competing with international law firms”.

Our Law Firm Registration

Oliveira Lawyers is the website for law firm Navas Oliveira Sociedade Individual de Advocacia. Our law firm is registered with the Sao Paulo Bar Association as OAB/SP 38257.

For more information about our licenses and attorneys, send an email to [email protected].

Need a Law Firm in Brazil?
We Can Help

[email protected]
(214) 432-8100

#1  Contact us to get a free quote, or
#2 Schedule a Consultation now.