Regulatory Resolution No 40


Provides about the concession and procedures for issuing a temporary visa and residency authorization based on retirement and/or pension based on the death of a third-party.

Published on the National Newspaper No 229, from 11/27/2019, Section 1, Page 70

The National Immigration Council, collegiate body part of the basic structure of the Ministry of Justice and Public Safety, according to Law no. 13,844, from June 18, 2019, and based on the powers granted by Decree no. 9,873, from June 27, 2019, and the Decree no. 9,199, from November 20, 2017, decides:

Art. 1st The temporary visa can be granted to the immigrant retiree or recipient of a death pension, who proves the monthly transfer to Brasil of an amount in foreign currency equal to or above USD2,000 (two thousand dollars).

Art. 2nd To request the visa object of the 1st art., the immigrant shall present to the consular authority the following documents:

I – a valid travel document;

II – International vaccine certificate, when required by the National Health Agency – Anvisa;

III – health insurance valid in the national territory;

IV – proof of payment of the consular fees;

V – completed visa request form;

VI – proof of entry in the national territory; and

VII – criminal records issued by the country of origin or, at the discretion of the consular authority, and according to the country specifics where the visa was requested, an equivalent document.

Art. 3rd It also shall be presented to the consular authority:

I – proof of retirement and ability to transfer to the Country the amount in foreign currency equivalent to or above USD2,000 (two thousand dollars); or

II – proof of receipt of pension per death in an amount equal or higher The US$ 2,000.00 (two thousand dollars); or

III – other steady sources of income to complement the amount required in the art . 1st of this Regulatory  Resolution, if necessary.

Single paragraph. The initial residency term for the immigrant holding the temporary visa object of art. 1st will of two years.

Art. 4th To the interested person who is at the territory national the residency authorization may be granted by the Ministry of Justice and Public Safety, as long as the expected documents are provided:

I – in items I to III and VII to XI of art. 1st of the Regulatory Resolution no. 01, in 2017 of the National Immigration Council; and

II – in the art. 3rd of this Resolution.

Single paragraph. The initial residency term provisioned in the introduction will be up to two years.

Art. 5th The renewal of the residency term will be the object of a specific Regulatory Resolution.

Art. 6th The Regulatory Resolution no. 45, of March 14, 2000, is revoked.

Art. 7th This Regulatory Resolution becomes applicable at its publishing date.

President of the National Immigration Council