CNIG MJSP Regulation No. 46, OF DECEMBER 9, 2021
Change The Normative Regulation no. 36, from October 9. 2018.
PUBLISHED IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER No. 149, in 08/08/2022, Section 1, Page 37
THE NATIONAL IMMIGRATION COUNCIL, collegiate body part of the Justice and Safety Ministry basic structure, object of art. 38, item VIII, Law no. 13,844, June 18, 2019, and art. 2nd, item III, of Attachment I of Decree no. 9,662, January 1st, 2019, based on powers granted by Decree no. 9,873, June 27, 2019, and Decree no. 9,199, November 20, 2017, decides:
Art. 1st A Resolution Normative no. 36, in 06 in October in 2018, raisin The enforce with to the next changes:
“ The ADVICE NATIONAL IN IMMIGRATION , organ collegiate integral from the structure basic of Ministry from the Justice It is Security public, in what treat O art. 38, item VIII, from the Law no. 13,844, in 18 in June in 2019, It is O art. 2nd, item III, of Attachment I of Decree no. 9,662, in 1st in January in 2019, at the use of assignments what him confer O Decree no. 9,873, in 27 in June in 2019, It is O Decree no. 9,199, in 20 in November in 2017, solve:” (NR)
“Art. 1st This Regulation addresses the concession of residency authorization due to real estate in Brazil.
Paragraph single. the Justice and Public Safety can grant authorization of residency, according to art. 35 Law no. 13,445, May 24, 2017, and arts. 42 and 151, intro, Decree no. 9,199, from 2017, to the individual intending, with the individual’s own resources from abroad, invest in real estate in Brazil:” (NR)
“ Art. 3rd O order residence permit _ _ preview, for end of concession of visa temporary, it will be analyzed for the Ministry from the Justice It is Security public, through The presentation of the next documents:
§ 3rd Ever what to understand appropriate, O Ministry from the Justice It is Security Public will carry out due diligence in crazy for to check The realization of investment.
§ 4th O term from the residence Preview at the caption it will be in 04 (four) years.” (NR) “
“ Art. 4th To the interested what is at the territory national, can to be granted authorization of residence for the Ministry of Justice and Security public, us terms of art. 151, caption , of Decree no. 9,199, in 2017, since what presented you documents foreseen at the art. 3rd.
Paragraph single. O term from the residence Preview at the caption it will be in 04 (four) years.”
“ Art. 5th elapsed O term of residence foreseen at the § 4th of art. 3rd, The authorization in residence initial can to be altered for term indeterminate, since what presented you documents foreseen:
- at the art. 3rd, at the what fit, for ends in proof from the maintenance of conditions in investment planned at the art. 2nd of this Resolution;
- copy from the Portfolio in Record National Migratory (CRNM); It is
- certificates in background criminal or document equivalent, issued for the authority judicial competent in where you have resided during The authorization in residence temporary.
Paragraph single. O investor real estate what you have obtained authorization in residence initial per term bottom The 4 years, since what kept to the conditions what gave rise to The concession, can require your renovation until O period necessary for The alteration per term indeterminate Preview at the head .” (NR)
“ Art. 6th O investor real estate should stay at the territory national per, at the Minimum, 14 (fourteen) days, in a row or interpolated, The each period in two years, counted The leave of record together The Police Federal.” (NR)
Paragraph single. One turn attended you requirements of caption , no will focus The cause in loss from the authorization in residence Preview at the item III of art. 135 of Decree 9,199, in 2017.”
“ Art. 6th-A No. case of no fulfillment of requirements foreseen at the caput of article 6th or at hypothesis in loss of term for require The alteration from the residence for indefinite period, the real estate investor can require new authorization in residence for the term foreseen at the § 4th of art. 3rd, since what sustained O investment accomplished.” (NR)
“ Art. 6th-B A cessation of foundation what based The concession from the authorization in residence, found during The constancy of term determined or indeterminate, according to O case, it will be cause in decree in your loss, us terms of art. 135, I, of Decree no. 9,199, in 2017.” (NR)
“ Art. 6º-C Case verified, The any time, omission in information relevant or falsehood in declaration at the procedure governed per it is Resolution, it will be instituted process in cancellation from the authorization in residence according to foreseen at the art. 136 of Decree no. 9,199, in 2017.” (NR)
Art. 2nd It is Resolution goes into in force at date in your Publication.
President of Advice In exercise