Real Estate in Fortaleza, Ceara

Real Estate in Fortaleza, Ceara

The city of Fortaleza, located in the state of Ceara, is one of the first options for foreigners looking for properties in Brazil. Fortaleza is closer to the United States and Europe than the majority of cities in Brazil.

Other advantages quickly recognized by foreigners:

  1. Weather: always a great weather no matter what time of the year
  2. Safety: safer than other urban areas in Brazil
  3. Lower cost of real estate: a basic apartment in Fortaleza can be bought for as little as USD 150,000
  4. Friendly people: people in Fortaleza are friendly towards others
  5. Amazing beaches: you can find great beaches both in Fortaleza and other cities around

If you are looking for a specific property to buy in Brazil please contact us at: [email protected].

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